Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God with us

oh how He love us. 

have you ever felt like giving up? on family, friends, school, love, life.. everything? even though you may feel like you don't belong here, or people are saying you don't belong here. or you feel like you don't have a place in this world, you are wrong

everyone has a place in this world. everyone deserves to live. no matter what race or gender. no matter whether you are skinny, or fat, tall or short. you have a place in this world, and He loves you. 

never give up on life. never put yourself down because of what someone has said to you, or about you. no one deserves to be treated poorly, and if you are treated poorly, than pray. cause God is always listening, He will never put you down, or ignore you, He will always be there for you, not matter how bad things may be going, He is with you always and won't put you through something He knows you can't get through. everything happens for a reason, no matter what the reason may be. 

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